盧郁芷Lu, Yu Chih |
職稱Post:組長Group Leader |
Tel:07-3426031分機ex.2211 |
e-mail:sa6001@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post substitute:石子建Shih, Tzu Chien |
1.綜理組內各項業務及活動。 |
Management of the business and activities of the section. |
2.業管法規新訂、修正、廢止及申控作業。 |
Regulation of the establishment, modification, and abolishment of rules and regulations. |
3.校內重要活動之籌畫。 |
To dispose the seat of activities. |
4.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs counseling fees |
5.勞作教育督導。 |
Labor Education director |
6.生活教育督導。 |
Daily regulation director |
7.全民國防教育課程授課。 |
The Military Education |
8.校安中心24小時輪值、校園安全維護暨通報與危機處理。 |
24hours school safety and emergency personnel, |
9.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |
陳鈺松Chen, Yu Song |
職稱Post:組員 Group member |
Tel:07-3426031 分機 ex.2212 |
E-mail:sa6002@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post Substitute:林政穎Lin, Cheng Ying |
1.學生就學貸款、減免、學雜費緩繳申管業務。 |
Student loan、Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Exemption/The tuitions and miscellaneous fees deferring. |
2.高職(五專前三年)免學費計畫申管作業。 |
Junior college(1st to 3rd year) financial help organizer. |
3.學生就學獎補助措施網頁管理作業。 |
To manage the website of scholarship and subsidy. |
4.組內行政(含各類會議資料彙整、校務研究資料盤點作業聯絡窗口人、大事紀要填報、登革熱填報、班櫃/公佈欄管理、辦公室公共環境整潔維護、單位預算編控作業及生輔組網頁管理及維護。) |
To arrange the information of every section. |
5.學輔經費綜整作業。 |
Student affairs counseling fees management. |
6.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs counseling fees. |
7.勞作教育輔導及勞作教育輔導(協助)。 |
Labor Education assistant and Daily regulation assistant. |
8.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |
林政穎Lin, Cheng Ying |
職稱Post:組員 Group member |
Tel:07-3426031 分機 ex.2213 |
E-mail:sa6003@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post Substitute:陳鈺松Chen, Yu Song |
1.學生獎助學金委員會議辦理及執行。 |
Conduct affairs of Students Funds & Scholarships Committee and Part-Time Workers. |
2.學生勞動權益維護之相關作業。 |
To active and remain students labor right. |
3.學生工讀助學金申管業務。 |
Proceed Student Life and Learning Scholarship application. |
4.弱勢學生助學計畫申管業務(含教育部圓夢助學網維護)。 |
Proceed Scholarships & living expenses application for economically disadvantaged students to manage Help Dreams Website. |
5.教育部高教深耕弱勢扶助計畫執行。 |
MOE Higher Education Sprout Project for Underprivileged Students |
6.校務基本資料庫填報。 |
To fill in school information. |
7.組內工讀生管理。 |
To arrange the Part-Time Workers. |
8.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs counseling fees. |
9.生活教育及勞作教育輔導(協助) |
Daily regulation assistant and Labor Education assistant. |
10.特殊境遇補助申請(非學雜費減免)。 |
Special Circumstance Family Living Support(not Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Exemption) |
11.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |
. |
郭瑄尹 Kuo, Hsuan Yin |
職稱Post:組員 Group member |
Tel:07-3426031 分機 ex.2214 |
E-mail:sa6004@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post Substitute:劉佳勳Llu, Jia Xun |
1.日間部學生勤、缺、假管理業務。 |
Attendance, Ethic grades, and roll call manager. |
2.學生獎懲 (含違規銷過) 作業。 |
Hold meetings of Reward and Punishment Committee and keep minutes. |
3.教育部設置學產急難慰問金及校內緊急紓困助學金申管。 |
Grant of the Educational Department. |
4.日間部年級導師業務(含導師編排、聘書印製、導師評量、導師資料維護及優良導師遴選作業) |
To plan and complete the homeroom teachers' job. |
5.協助生輔組網頁管理及維護(英文部分)。 |
Administer the website of The Student Assistance Section. |
6.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs counseling fees. |
7.生活教育及勞作教育輔導(協助)。 |
Daily regulation assistant and Labor Education assistant. |
8.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |
劉益傑Liu, Yi Chieh |
職稱Post:組員 Group member |
Tel:07-3426031 分機 ex.2215 |
E-mail:sa6005@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post Substitute:石子建Shih, Tzu Chien |
1.品德教育之推行(含教育部各推動品德教育計畫之申請及執行)。 |
Character Education instructor. |
2.專科部新生親師輔導座談會之執行。 |
The instructor of Junior colleges parent-teacher meeting. |
3.專科部生活教育及管理(服儀輔導、重要晨會、班會紀錄簿處理、生活好模範計畫管控)。 |
To organize the regulation and the arrangement of 5-year college. |
4.教育部學產基金會各項學生補助申辦作業。 |
The scholarship of Ministry of Education application. |
5.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs counseling fees. |
6.優質學生會輔導業務(協助)。 |
Student association director. |
7.生活教育及勞作教育輔導(協助)。 |
Daily regulation assistant and Labor Education assistant. |
8.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |
劉佳勳 Liu, Jia Xun |
職稱Post:組員 Group member |
Tel:07-3426031 分機 ex.2216 |
E-mail:sa6006@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post Substitute:郭瑄尹Kuo, Hsuan Yin |
1.大學部勞作教育管控與輔導。 |
To maintain Labor Education for university students. |
2.專科部勞作教育管控與輔導。 |
Maintain Labor education for 1~3-year junior college programs of the Day Division. |
3.勞作教育重修生暨轉學生管控與輔導。 |
Maintain Labor education for transfer and makeup students. |
4.優質學生會輔導業務。 |
To assist A.C.S.C(All-Campus Student Committee). |
5.校外獎助學金申管作業。 |
Scholarships provided from outsiders(including Financial Aids from Academia/Industry Foundation). |
6.生輔組個資保護專員(含內控)。 |
The officer of personal date protection. |
7.書籍費輔助申請。 |
The application of Textbook Fee. |
8.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs counseling fees. |
9.生活教育輔導(協助)。 |
Daily regulation assistant. |
10.廣度陪伴計畫之推行。 |
To promote the wide company program. |
11.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |
石子建 Shih, Tzu Chien |
職稱Post:組員 Group member |
Tel:07-3426031 分機 ex.2217 |
E-mail:sa6007@mail.wzu.edu.tw |
Post Substitute:劉益傑Liu,Yi Chieh |
1.遺失物管理。 |
Lost &found. |
2.協助品德教育之推行(三好計畫、南區學務中心計畫之申請、推動及執行)。 |
Character Education instructor |
3.人權/法治教育、智慧財產權之宣導 |
Intellectual property & human rights instructor , Ethic education instructor |
4.客語/新住民文化推動暨客語認證獎學金申管作業。 |
Hakka and New immigrant students activities manager (Hakkanese proficiency test scholarship). |
5.原住民學生獎助學金及工讀服務申管業務(目前暫移原資中心辦理)。 |
Aboriginal students activities manager (Aboriginal students funds& scholarships) |
6.導師評量。 |
Homeroom teacher's job. |
7.生輔組財產控管作業。 |
The property management of the section. |
8.家長聯繫函之印製及寄送。 |
To print and send the parents' letter of contact. |
9.電子看板字幕登錄作業。 |
Update LED electronic board information. |
10.整體發展獎補助/學輔經費計畫之申請及執行。 |
To provide the application and implement of the Development scholarship & Student affairs. |
11.生活教育及勞作教育輔導(協助)。 |
Daily regulation assistant and Labor Education assistant. |
To arrange the information of every section. |
12.臨時交辦事項。 |
Provisional affairs. |